

MARCH 5 - APRIL 19, 2014


Members of Wesley Chapel Church are asked to observe the following disciplines this Lenten Season:   

1) Commit to learn (memorize) at least five (5) scriptures.  Something that speaks to your heart and has meaning to your life.  "Jesus wept", is not an acceptable scripture.  The scriptures should edify your life. 

2) Commit to spend at least 10 minutes everyday in prayer.

3)  Abstain from eating all sweets.  Do not partake of anything that is sweet.  No cookies, cake, soda, honey, agave, artificial sweeteners, etc...

4) Sacrifice $5 each week.  Give your sacrificial offering on Sunday, April 20, 2014.  The Sacrificial Offering is over and above your normal tithes and giving.  If you set aside $5 each week, your sacrificial offering will be $30 (or $35 if you want to include Easter Sunday).  Please note:  If you are unemployed or on a fixed budget, then give what you can give.  Commit to an amount each week and set it aside (even if it is $1 or .01 cent a week), then give that as a sacrificial offering on Sunday, April 20, 2014. The Sacrificial Offering is over and above your normal tithes and offerings.  Be faithful in this discipline and trust that God will bless you in your obedience. 

5)  Finally, give up something and never pick it up again.  Give it up for God and Give it up for Good.  Find one thing that is bad for you or a bad habit and give it up for good.  Remember, if it does not move you, then it will not move God. 