Dear Friends,

Our first priority is the health and safety of all who come to worship at Wesley Chapel - Decatur.    Here are some tips, guidelines and information on ways we are keeping everyone safe when we gather again to worship together.

In-Person Worship

  • Please maintain social distance, and respect the comfort levels of others.
  • Face masks are optional.  (Although you are vaccinated, you can still be a carrier.  Consider it as an act of love.)
  • Be vigilant about hand and face hygiene while in service.
  • Social distancing must also be kept regarding restrooms - No More than one person in restrooms within the Sanctuary at any given time.  (Only exception: Parents who have to accompany children).

Keeping it Clean:

  • Sanctuary will be sanitized prior to the worship service.
  • There will be a hand sanitizer station in the Narthex. 
  • Tithes and Offerings will be collected as you leave service.

Spacing Out:

  • Seating is spaced out, so you will keep at least three (3) feet between you and the next visitor.  (Please follow the signs place on pews, to keep your distance.)  Ushers are available to assist you with your seating needs. 
  • Please maintain social distance as you are entering and exiting service.

Thanks for helping us make Wesley Chapel - Decatur a safe and comfortable space for everyone.